How to Use Boom Cards FastPlay to Increase Student Engagement Today

If you haven’t heard of Boom Cards Fastplay before, you’re missing out! Boom Learning is an online task card website where students can complete questions in a variety of questions in an interactive interface. Boom Cards can be given as a full class or small group assignment. Students love its interactive interface and teachers love how easy it is to assign to the class and track data. Boom Learning offers many different options for students to enjoy these online interactive task cards. One of the easiest ways to get started with Boom Cards in the classroom is by using Boom Cards Fast Play.

You may be wondering what is “Boom Cards fast play.” Moreover, you may be wondering how to use Boom Cards. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Boom Cards Fast Play: Signing Up

First, you have to have an account on the Boom Learning platform. If you just plan on playing Boom Cards fast play in your classroom and not creating them, then it is completely FREE!

Secondly, you can set up your class (or classes) and search the library for the type of Boom Cards you wish to play with. They have everything from math and ELA to music and social-emotional learning. Some of these are paid but you can find lots of free options available too.

Boom Cards Fast Play: Gearing Up to Play

The best part about Boom Cards is that you are in complete control. You can track data or just let students explore. Either path you choose, your first stop is to the store to find the set you want to start with.

When you find the card set you want to have your students practice, select it and click “add to library.”


Once the deck is in your library, click “library” at the top of the page to navigate to your library. Next, you have the option of assigning this deck to your class or playing fast play.

For a quick round of play with your students, select fast play. Using Boom Cards FastPlay is a good way to introduce students to Boom Cards. You could also do this as a warm-up, time filler or transition.

When you navigate to your library you will see this deck (and any other decks) as thumbnails. At the top right of each thumbnail you will find a blue box that says “action.” Click it! You will get a menu of options and you will want to click on “fast pin” (formerly fast play). This will generate a pin to get you started.

Using Fast Pin (formerly Fast Play)

Next, you will want to copy the link provided. One option is to paste that link into your own browser and have students play on the Smart Board. Another option is to paste that link into Google Classroom or wherever you post assignments for students and have them access the link from there. Once they click the link, they will automatically be brought to the deck.

Once they have accessed the deck, students can start playing. They don’t need to sign in or any sort of code to access the task cards.

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How to Use Boom Cards FastPlay to Increase Student Engagement Today